Worried about Germany

For several days I have developed a real concern for the future of my adopted country.

I don’t think there can be any doubt that Germany is leading the way in Europe in terms of economic prosperity, a vision for the EU and a readiness to support refugees.

Angela Merkel last week received almost 90% backing from her CDU party and she is prepared to lead the country, if elected, through the next four years.

My big concern is, what happens after that? Where is her successor? Even the CDU admit that they have no real candidate other than Dr. Merkel.  So the danger is, particularly if the German economy struggles or the integration of refugees proves more challenging than expected, she will not only be replaced, but replaced, possibly, by exactly the kind of politician we do not want. Exactly as has just happened in the USA.

My plea to all good political leaders, irrespective of the party they belong to, is to begin to look for the best, young aspiring women and men in their ranks, to train them in the role of national leadership and to promote them on the political stage so that both the public and the government can already see the next generation emerging from the wings.

Many Germans would say that the recent success of their football team in the World Cup could be ascribed to the skills of Jögi Löw in encouraging those players in their late teens a few years ago and investing seriously into their future. This has paid tremendous dividends and it is exactly what, in my opinion, the leading politicians of the older generation need to do now. In this way we can best ensure that we do not end up with people like Nigel Farage, Marine Le Pen or Donald Trump leading our nations and it may even result in the younger generation engaging more constructively in the political agenda.

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