The church despises democracy

This week I wrote some truthful, albeit slightly provocative, comments on the Instagram page of the King’s Church Hastings sect. Curiously, if you try to access this Instagram page now, it is suddenly no longer available. What a surprise.

This is, of course, no surprise at all. Just as my family’s existence was deleted from their website on 8th August 2013, even though I was the leader of this sect for nearly a decade and had sacrificed literally everything to start a Newfrontiers church in Berlin, so my comments are no longer available for the public to read. They have also changed their website url from to To be fair, I’m sure their real motive was to show their openness to the superiority of Roman Catholic France and modern European democracy. Respect.

Is it not fascinating that these sects love to use social media for the purposes of bragging about their great, deluded projects, and to lure naive souls like you and me into their vice-like grip, yet they remove any comments in social media that seek to open up any kind of democratic debate about the existence of God, the application of the Bible and the role of the church? The nearest comparison I can think of to this is Nazi Germany.

These sects do not want democracy. They want a theocracy in which women are degraded, men are in charge, the Bible is cherry-picked, homosexuals are demonised, chronically and terminally sick people are denied access to assisted death, every believer of every other faith is going to eternal hell, and so on. There is no freedom of speech, no freedom of opinion, no openness to any view that is not in line with the subjective, culturally determined views of the sect’s leader. The deletion of my comments is an absolute proof of this fact.

So sad.

Funnily enough, I have been a little sick this week. I can guarantee you, were this to turn into cancer, the sect’s members would of course rejoice and interpret this sickness as God’s revenge on such an evil blogger. In the end, of course, this would be no more than my body getting sick. Just like the rest of humanity, Christians do no more than interpret life through the lens of their choice of meta-narrative. In their case, a meta-narrative that is frighteningly selfish, since their own personal salvation is always the central focus.  “God the Father loves ME so much that He sent is only son to die for ME. Who else would die for ME? And everyone else who does not believe this myth, is going to burn in hell forever. But at least that won’t happen to ME. I will now help other poor sods who are much poorer than ME. Knowing that, if I do this, God will be pleased with ME. Thank you, Lord, for loving ME.” I rest my case.

For those of you who are disappointed that you can no longer read my comments on Instagram, I have included quite a few screen shots below. It’s good to know that democracy and freedom of speech prevail in spite of the church’s dark mode. Unless of course, because they are working with the police now, they have access to my blog account.

In the meantime, thanks to the sect’s obsession with social media, I apparently still have their Facebook and Twitter accounts in which I can write my truthful commentaries. I’ll try that tomorrow.

“To be fair, much of the Bible is not systematically evil but just plain weird, as you would expect of a chaotically cobbled-together anthology of disjointed documents, composed, revised, translated, distorted and ‘improved’ by hundreds of anonymous authors, editors and copyists, unknown to us and mostly unknown to each other, spanning nine centuries.” – Richard Dawkins.

Even though I’m sure that Alex is a great public speaker, I don’t recommend that you click on the link, since you would then clearly be sinning against God’s word.

Oh, so the church endorses Barclays Bank? An apartheid– supporting bank full of corruption? And “Three thousand three hundred pounds ONLY” says it all. This church spent over ten years ago over £100,000 on its car park. What’s more, Snowflake is a Christian night shelter, meaning that the church is giving money to the church. OMG.

… and stroke their fat tummies, fall asleep, pick their noses and confine the black community to a ghetto at the edge of the ever-smaller auditorium. There’s also a guy with a hat on in church here, which is not allowed, according to the Bible: “A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man.”  1 Corinthians 11:7. Woman is the glory of man?

Note how there are no young people present at the prayer meeting. When I led this sect, over half of the prayers were teenagers. Sure proof that this bloated, self-satisfied, belly-rubbing, Zafira church is in decline and has no long-term future.

Natter and stories. That’s right, words speaker louder than actions. And “New Ground” is so fake. All you do is to go to old ground and steal other pastor’s sheep. For a while. Until the sheep work out that New Ground can’t even draw a square logo properly and they will all go back to where they came from: Wesley’s Methodist church, which actually used a cross as its logo.

That’s right, no mention of Aldi and Lidl. Plus the church supports the masochistic torture and butchering of meat and fish when it should of course be promoting veganism.



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