Category Archives: God

Think before you vote

I find it fascinating that one of the deciding factors in a US election centres on views concerning abortion and the possession of firearms.

While the Republicans are generally anti-abortion and pro the possession of firearms, the Democrats tend to be for a reduction in the possession of firearms and against restricting the freedom of women to choose about matters of termination.

In other words, the Democrats might stand in the way of you ever being born but will protect your right to remain alive once you are. And the Republicans will fight for your right to remain alive in the womb but shoot you dead or sit you in the electric chair the moment you trespass on their property.

Where does this paradoxical stance come from? I have a hunch that it has something to do with Christianity,  the adopted faith of many US citizens.

For, on the one hand, the Bible maintains that human life is sacred and that it should be preserved at all costs. All humans are made in God’s image and He loves them. Yet the Bible also teaches that all human beings who do not put their faith in Jesus Christ will suffer for all eternity in the fires of hell. That’s right, every sincere Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist, along with every atheist.

So, if the majority of us are destined for eternal punishment, wouldn’t it be better if we had never been born in the first place?

According to Jesus Himself in Matthew 26:24, the answer to this question is a clear “yes”.

So I guess that makes Jesus a Democrat?