Category Archives: European Union

40,00€ better off

After my blog post yesterday I felt truly challenged as to where to start. Joining Amnesty International was easy. But what next?

Then, waiting for the bus to go home, I noticed a family of refugees (mum, dad and three children) with their entire belongings crammed into a mix of suitcases and ikea holdalls, standing at the same bus stop. As the bus arrived and they struggled to get on board through the rear doors, I helped them to carry their bags.

On the bus the most amazing conversation took place. With the help of hands and feet, broken English, Google translator and a phone call to my Syrian fiend, Mariana, they told me in 8 minutes their very disturbing story as to how they reached Berlin from Syria. I discovered from them that there is even a harrowing website that helps refugees to cross the Mediterranean.

Apart from their tangible mixture of relief and uncertainty, they were not sure how to get to the refugee camp near Spandau. I told them that I would accompany them to the camp.

As we got off the bus, a young German woman said that she would come with us and wanted to help. So she accompanied us and showed deep interest in their story. When we arrived at the entrance to the, to me, somewhat intimidating camp, I asked our German friend to explain everything to the surly entrance guard.

As we said good-bye and exchanged phone numbers, I looked  in my wallet and found 40,00€. I quickly folded it into four and gave it to the oldest daughter as we said farewell. The daughter immediately gave it to her mother, who broke down in tears.

As we left the camp entrance, the young German asked me to go for a coffee. I agree. We go to YE-MC, who serve the best Döner in the whole of Berlin. She tells me that she is a humanist studying theology, currently making her way through her doctoral thesis on the social construction of God.

During the intense dialogue, we both agree to teach German to refugees as our initial contribution to the situation. This morning we have just registered and have found out that we will start before Christmas.

So I have learnt that taking positive action to help others is an incredible investment in humanity. When you make the decision to engage, what you receive is unintentionally so much greater than what you give. I feel encouraged. As Mother Theresa said: “If we can all do small things with much love, we as individuals can change the world.”


How to volunteer to help refugees

The greatest crime: forgetfulness.

This morning on the way to work I saw a new poster of a woman with a child in her arms in the middle of a war zone, with the title: “The greatest crime: forgetfulness.”

Over 3.5 million children die unnecessarily every year (that’s a city the size of Berlin). And right now, so many children and their families are being killed daily in Syria, Yemen,  Nigeria, Cameroon, Afghanistan, Iraq, Niger, Chad – to name some of those that I am aware of.

I feel so challenged. What am I doing about this? Why are Europe and the USA so unbelievably powerless to help? Where is the church? Where is God?

Humanly speaking, our selfishness must lie somewhere at the root of the answer. I know that if it were my son depicted in the image below, I would drop everything and do all that I could to stop this from happening. If these atrocities were happening in our country, we would have to do something. But we are too far removed. We seem to have become numb to the images, as if they were scenes from a fictitious movie rather than real life. We forget.

Tony Robbins wrote: “Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.”

I don’t know about you, but I have made my mind up to spend my remaining years on this beautiful planet helping to bring healing, peace and reconciliation.

For further information about how you can help, contact:

Caritas International

Save the Children

Amnesty International


Brexit Schadenfreude

I am sorry to have to say that I read the current UK news with a certain amount of Schadenfreude: industrial action on the railways, postal strikes just before Christmas, inflation (butter has gone up 80%), the decline in the value of Sterling, supreme court battles over the government of the country and so on. We are now finding out what many always knew: that the net advantages of remaining in Europe are very much greater than the financial subventions being paid to the EU.

And that is only the financial consequence. I am just as baffled by the British lack of vision for Europe as I am by all those flag-waving Americans cheering at the speeches of Donald Trump. As I wrote two years ago in my short story, Beyond Redemption: “Racism runs much deeper in our veins than we care to think.”

In the UK there was no debate before the referendum about the consequences of a Brexit to world peace, international democracy, human rights, the environment or the freedom of movement (the most fundamental freedom of all). No-one made the point that all relationships are costly in terms of time and money.

Instead, which David Cameron should have known, the decision was made at the mercy of the gutter press and an older generation who will not be alive to suffer its consequences, along with erroneous financial greed and the ugliest racism imaginable.

Enormous lies were plastered on the sides of buses by racist buffoons such as Boris Johnson, but he has now been made Foreign Secretary. As the German press asks, where is the integrity in that?

Since I was a student I have been such a pro-European that I would always say that I was a European when people asked me where I came from. And I still have a passion for Europe that I am not going to give up on. So my question is, where are the politicians in the UK that have a genuine vision for Europe? The best we had was Nick Clegg, but he stood down as a result of David Cameron’s somewhat unexpected, though short-lived, success at the last general election.

It is my firm hope that one day, we will have politicians with a vision and passion for Europe that goes way beyond the financial. Politicians who swap roles in each other’s nations for a few years. Women and men who can speak other European languages, who promote school and university exchanges between continents and nations, who embrace other cultures, who are prepared to invest time in international relationships. Reading the latest UK news (and I apologise to the people of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland for the London-centric nature of this blog entry), I think this my be some time away, don’t you?